Order in the Church
Just look at creation, and it’s evident that God is a God of order. So it’s no wonder that God likewise expects His church to be a place of order. That’s what Paul is going to discuss this morning in our study in 1 Corinthians.

Coming Judgment
Sunday School: Would God really remove His blessing from people? Surely He wouldn’t do that, would He? Ezekiel touches on this topic in this study. Join us for a fascinating look at God’s values.

Loving God
We all love 1 Corinthians 13. The sweeping definitions of love touch all of our hearts, and make us yearn to be people who love like that. Yet our ability to love others – and ourselves – begins with our love for God. Join us as we look at six practical ways we grow in our love for our Lord.

Ezekiel – Commissioned
Sunday School: What would you do if you found out you had to lay down – and only on your left side – for 390 days straight? That’s what God had Ezekiel do. Join us for some fascinating developments.

The Lord’s Supper
Each of us tend to forget – anniversaries, business appointments, birthdays. So it’s no wonder that, with our tendency to forget, that Christ would give us a memorial to help us remember.